Unlocking Ansible’s Power: Does Integrated Windows Authentication Require a Physical Connection to MSSQL Server?
Image by Turquissa - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking Ansible’s Power: Does Integrated Windows Authentication Require a Physical Connection to MSSQL Server?

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Are you a system administrator or DevOps engineer trying to automate your infrastructure using Ansible? Have you encountered the conundrum of integrated Windows authentication with MSSQL servers? You’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of Ansible’s Windows authentication and clarify whether a physical connection to the MSSQL server is required.

What is Integrated Windows Authentication?

Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) is a mechanism that allows Ansible to authenticate with Windows servers and services using the Kerberos protocol. This means Ansible can seamlessly connect to Windows hosts without the need for explicit username and password authentication. IWA is particularly useful when working with MSSQL servers, as it enables Ansible to access the database without requiring additional credentials.

How Does IWA Work with Ansible?

Ansible’s IWA implementation relies on the winrm connection plugin. This plugin establishes a secure connection to the Windows host using the WinRM (Windows Remote Management) protocol. Once connected, Ansible uses the Kerberos protocol to authenticate with the Windows server. This process involves the following steps:

  1. kinit command.

Do I Need a Physical Connection to the MSSQL Server?

The million-dollar question! The answer is a resounding no. You do not require a physical connection to the MSSQL server for IWA to work. However, there are some important caveats to consider:

  • Network Connectivity: Ansible needs to be able to reach the MSSQL server over the network. This means the MSSQL server must be accessible from the Ansible control machine, either directly or through a network routing.
  • Kerberos Configuration: The Kerberos configuration on the Ansible control machine and the MSSQL server must be correctly set up. This includes ensuring the krb5.conf file is properly configured and the KRB5_CLIENT_KTNAME environment variable is set.
  • WinRM Configuration: The WinRM service on the MSSQL server must be enabled and configured to allow Ansible connections.

Configuring Ansible for IWA with MSSQL

To use IWA with Ansible and MSSQL, you’ll need to configure the following:

# ansible.cfg
inventory = ./inventory

connection = winrm
winrm_port = 5985
winrm_timeout = 30
winrm_protocol = http

In the above example, we’re configuring Ansible to use the winrm connection plugin with a connection timeout of 30 seconds.

# inventory
mssql01 ansible_host=mssql01.example.com


In the inventory file, we’re defining a group called mssql_servers with a single host, mssql01. We’re also setting the required credentials and configuring Ansible to ignore SSL certificate validation.

Example Playbook for IWA with MSSQL

Let’s create a simple playbook that uses IWA to connect to an MSSQL server and execute a query:

- name: Test IWA with MSSQL
  hosts: mssql_servers
  gather_facts: no

  - name: Install pywinrm
      name: pywinrm
      state: present

  - name: Execute SQL query
      server: "{{ansible_host}}"
      database: "mydatabase"
      username: "{{ansible_user}}"
      password: "{{ansible_password}}"
      query: "SELECT * FROM mytable"
    register: result

  - name: Display query result
      var: result

In this playbook, we’re installing the pywinrm library, which is required for WinRM connections. We then use the win_mssql_query module to execute a SQL query on the MSSQL server. The register keyword is used to store the query result, which we display using the debug module.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues with IWA and MSSQL, refer to the following troubleshooting tips:

Error Solution
-winrm connection error- Verify the WinRM service is enabled and configured correctly on the MSSQL server.
Kerberos authentication failure Check the Kerberos configuration on the Ansible control machine and MSSQL server. Ensure the krb5.conf file is correctly configured and the KRB5_CLIENT_KTNAME environment variable is set.
MS SQL connection error Verify the MSSQL server is accessible from the Ansible control machine. Check the network connectivity and MSSQL server configuration.


In conclusion, integrated Windows authentication in Ansible does not require a physical connection to the MSSQL server. However, it does require proper configuration of Kerberos, WinRM, and network connectivity. By following the instructions and examples provided in this article, you should be able to successfully use IWA with Ansible and MSSQL. Remember to troubleshoot common issues and consult the Ansible documentation for further guidance.

Unlock the full potential of Ansible’s automation capabilities and streamline your Windows and MSSQL management tasks today!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on integrated Windows authentication in Ansible and its connection to MSSQL server!

Does Ansible need a physical connection to the MSSQL server for integrated Windows authentication to work?

No, Ansible doesn’t require a physical connection to the MSSQL server for integrated Windows authentication. As long as the Ansible server can communicate with the Active Directory (AD) domain controller, it can authenticate with the MSSQL server using Windows authentication, even if the MSSQL server is not directly accessible.

What are the minimum requirements for integrated Windows authentication in Ansible?

You’ll need to have the following: Ansible installed on a Windows machine or a Linux machine with winrm enabled, a Windows domain user account with access to the MSSQL server, and the pywinrm library installed. With these components in place, you can use Windows authentication to connect to your MSSQL server.

Can I use integrated Windows authentication in Ansible with a Linux control machine?

Yes, you can! Ansible can use Windows authentication to connect to the MSSQL server from a Linux control machine, as long as you have the required libraries and dependencies installed, such as pywinrm and kerberos. This allows you to manage your Windows-based MSSQL servers from a Linux-based Ansible control machine.

How does Ansible store the Windows credentials for MSSQL authentication?

Ansible uses the Windows Credential Manager (WCM) to store the credentials. When you run the Ansible playbook, it retrieves the credentials from the WCM and uses them to authenticate with the MSSQL server. This ensures secure storage and management of your Windows credentials.

Are there any security implications of using integrated Windows authentication in Ansible?

As with any authentication mechanism, there are security considerations to be aware of. Since Ansible is storing Windows credentials, you’ll want to ensure that the control machine and the MSSQL server are properly secured, and that the credentials are properly managed and protected. Additionally, you should limit access to the Ansible control machine and ensure that the Windows domain user account has the necessary permissions to access the MSSQL server.