Solved: Uploaded Images Can’t Delete in Cloudinary for NextJS
Image by Turquissa -

Solved: Uploaded Images Can’t Delete in Cloudinary for NextJS

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Are you tired of struggling with deleting uploaded images in Cloudinary for your NextJS project? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue has been bothering many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution right here.

The Problem: Deleting Images in Cloudinary

Cloudinary is an amazing platform for managing and optimizing images, but sometimes, it can be a real pain to delete uploaded images. You’ve tried everything: checking the Cloudinary dashboard, using the API, and even consulting the documentation, but to no avail. The images just won’t budge!

The error messages can be cryptic, leaving you wondering what’s going on. You might see something like:

  "error": {
    "message": "Cannot delete resource",
    "code": 401

Or, you might receive a generic “Forbidden” error with no clear explanation.

Why Can’t I Delete Uploaded Images in Cloudinary?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand why this issue occurs in the first place. There are a few reasons why you might be experiencing this problem:

  • Insufficient permissions**: You might not have the necessary permissions to delete resources in Cloudinary. Make sure you’re using the correct API key or credentials.
  • Resource not found**: Cloudinary might not be able to find the resource you’re trying to delete. Double-check the resource ID or public ID to ensure it’s correct.
  • Resource is in use**: The image might be in use by another cloud or application, preventing you from deleting it. Check if the image is being used elsewhere in your project or by other services.
  • Incorrect API endpoint**: You might be using the wrong API endpoint or method to delete the image. Verify that you’re using the correct endpoint and method.

The Solution: Deleting Images in Cloudinary for NextJS

Now that we know the possible reasons behind the issue, let’s get to the solution! To delete uploaded images in Cloudinary for your NextJS project, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install the Cloudinary SDK

First, make sure you have the Cloudinary SDK installed in your NextJS project. Run the following command in your terminal:

npm install cloudinary

Step 2: Import the Cloudinary SDK

In your NextJS page or component, import the Cloudinary SDK:

import { v2 as cloudinary } from 'cloudinary';

Step 3: Configure Cloudinary

Configure Cloudinary by providing your cloud name, API key, and API secret:

  cloud_name: 'your-cloud-name',
  api_key: 'your-api-key',
  api_secret: 'your-api-secret',

Step 4: Delete the Image

Now, use the Cloudinary SDK to delete the image. You can use the `destroy` method, providing the public ID or resource ID of the image:

cloudinary.uploader.destroy('image-public-id', (result) => {

Alternatively, you can use the `delete_resources` method, which allows you to delete multiple images at once:

cloudinary.api.delete_resources(['image-public-id-1', 'image-public-id-2'], (result) => {

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Check the Cloudinary dashboard**: Ensure that the image is uploaded correctly and visible in the Cloudinary dashboard.
  • Verify API credentials**: Double-check your API key, API secret, and cloud name to ensure they’re correct and valid.
  • Use the correct API endpoint**: Make sure you’re using the correct API endpoint and method to delete the image.
  • Check for resource usage**: Verify that the image is not being used by another cloud or application.


If you’re still facing issues, feel free to leave a comment below, and we’ll do our best to help you out!

Cloudinary API Endpoints<cloud_name>/resources/delete<cloud_name>/resources/delete_resources

Note: Replace `` with your actual Cloudinary cloud name.


Q: What is the maximum number of images I can delete at once?

A: Cloudinary allows you to delete up to 100 images at once using the `delete_resources` method.

Q: Can I delete images using the Cloudinary dashboard?

A: Yes, you can delete images directly from the Cloudinary dashboard. Simply select the image, click on the three dots, and choose “Delete” from the dropdown menu.

Q: Why do I need to specify the public ID or resource ID to delete an image?

A: Cloudinary uses the public ID or resource ID to uniquely identify the image. Providing the correct ID ensures that the correct image is deleted.

Q: Can I restore a deleted image in Cloudinary?

A: Unfortunately, no. Once an image is deleted in Cloudinary, it’s permanently removed and cannot be restored.

Here is the FAQs about “Uploaded Images can’t delete in Cloudinary for NextJS”:

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with uploaded images that won’t delete from Cloudinary in your NextJS app? We’ve got you covered! Check out these commonly asked questions and their answers to get back on track.

Why can’t I delete uploaded images from Cloudinary in my NextJS app?

This could be due to permission issues or incorrect configuration of your Cloudinary account. Make sure you have the necessary permissions and credentials set up correctly in your NextJS app.

Do I need to use a specific Cloudinary package for NextJS to delete uploaded images?

Yes, you’ll need to use the official Cloudinary NextJS package, `next-cloudinary`, to utilize Cloudinary’s features, including image deletion. Install it via npm or yarn and follow the setup instructions.

How do I specify the correct configuration for Cloudinary in my NextJS app?

You’ll need to create a `cloudinary.js` file in your project’s root directory and export the configuration object with your Cloudinary credentials and settings. Don’t forget to import this file in your NextJS pages or components where you’ll be using Cloudinary.

Can I use the Cloudinary dashboard to delete uploaded images instead of doing it programmatically?

Yes, you can log in to your Cloudinary dashboard and manually delete uploaded images from the Media Library. However, if you’re looking to automate image deletion or integrate it with your NextJS app’s logic, you’ll need to use the Cloudinary API or SDK.

What else should I check if I’m still having trouble deleting uploaded images from Cloudinary in my NextJS app?

Double-check your Cloudinary API keys, secret keys, and account credentials. Ensure you’re using the correct Cloudinary SDK version and that you’ve implemented the necessary error handling and logging mechanisms to identify potential issues.

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