Removing Phone Number Validation from Odoo: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Turquissa -

Removing Phone Number Validation from Odoo: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of the pesky phone number validation in Odoo? Do you want to give your users more flexibility when entering their contact information? Look no further! In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of removing phone number validation from Odoo, ensuring that your users can enter their phone numbers without any hassle.

Why Remove Phone Number Validation?

Before we dive into the technical details, let’s discuss why removing phone number validation might be beneficial for your Odoo implementation. Here are a few reasons:

  • Internationalization**: Phone number formats vary greatly across the globe. By removing validation, you can accommodate international phone numbers without restricting users to a specific format.
  • Flexibility**: Without validation, users can enter their phone numbers in a format that makes sense to them, rather than being forced to conform to a specific pattern.
  • Simplification**: By eliminating validation, you can simplify the user experience and reduce errors caused by incorrect formatting.

Removing Phone Number Validation in Odoo

Now that we’ve established the benefits, let’s get started with the removal process. Please note that these instructions are applicable to Odoo version 13 and later. If you’re using an earlier version, you may need to modify the code accordingly.

Step 1: Identify the Relevant Code

The phone number validation is handled by the phone field in the res.partner model. To remove validation, we’ll need to modify the phone field’s definition in the file.

class ResPartner(models.Model):
    _name = 'res.partner'
    _description = 'Partner'

    phone = fields.Char(string='Phone', size=32)

Step 2: Override the Phone Field Definition

To override the phone field definition, we’ll create a custom module that inherits from the res.partner model. Create a new file called in your custom module’s directory:

from odoo import api, models, _

class ResPartner(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'res.partner'

    def _compute_phone_validation(self):
        return True

In the above code, we’ve overridden the phone field definition by adding a dependent function _compute_phone_validation. This function will always return True, effectively disabling phone number validation.

Step 3: Update the View

Now that we’ve updated the phone field definition, we need to update the corresponding view to reflect the changes. Create a new file called views.xml in your custom module’s directory:


In the above code, we’ve updated the res_partner_view_form view to use the custom _compute_phone_validation function. The widget="phone" attribute is used to display the phone number field in the view.

Testing and Verification

Now that we’ve updated the code, it’s time to test and verify that phone number validation has been successfully removed.

  1. Restart the Odoo server: Restart your Odoo server to apply the changes.
  2. Log in to Odoo: Log in to your Odoo instance as an administrator.
  3. Create a new partner: Create a new partner and attempt to enter an invalid phone number (e.g., “abcdefg”).
  4. Verify the result: Verify that the phone number is accepted without any errors or warnings.


By following this step-by-step guide, you’ve successfully removed phone number validation from your Odoo implementation. This change will provide your users with more flexibility when entering their contact information, making it easier for them to interact with your system.

Benefits Description
Internationalization Accommodate international phone numbers without restricting users to a specific format.
Flexibility Allow users to enter their phone numbers in a format that makes sense to them.
Simplification Simplify the user experience and reduce errors caused by incorrect formatting.

Remember to test and verify the changes thoroughly to ensure that they meet your specific requirements. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re tired of Odoo’s phone number validation getting in the way, you’re in the right place! Here are some answers to help you remove phone number validation from Odoo and take control of your customer data.

Why does Odoo have phone number validation in the first place?

Odoo’s phone number validation is designed to ensure that customers’ phone numbers are correctly formatted and valid. This is intended to help prevent errors and improve communication with customers. However, we know that sometimes this validation can be too restrictive, and that’s why we’re here to help you remove it!

How do I remove phone number validation from Odoo?

To remove phone number validation from Odoo, you’ll need to modify the relevant code in the Odoo module. Specifically, you’ll need to comment out or remove the `phone` field’s validation constraint in the `res_partner` model. Don’t worry if that sounds too technical – our developers can help you with that!

What are the risks of removing phone number validation from Odoo?

By removing phone number validation, you may end up with incorrectly formatted or invalid phone numbers in your system. This could lead to communication issues with customers, missed calls, and even lost sales. However, if you’re careful and implement proper data validation and cleaning processes, the risks can be mitigated.

Can I customize phone number validation in Odoo instead of removing it?

Yes, you can! If you don’t want to completely remove phone number validation, you can customize it to fit your specific business needs. For example, you could relax the validation rules or add additional formatting options. Our developers can help you explore these customization options and find the perfect solution for your Odoo setup.

Will removing phone number validation from Odoo affect other modules or features?

Removing phone number validation from Odoo should not affect other modules or features, as long as it’s done properly. However, it’s always a good idea to thoroughly test your Odoo setup after making any customizations to ensure that everything is working as expected. Our team can help you with that too!

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