Rider is Picking Default C# Matrix4x4 over UnityEngine.Matrix4x4? Here’s the Fix!
Image by Turquissa - hkhazo.biz.id

Rider is Picking Default C# Matrix4x4 over UnityEngine.Matrix4x4? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you tired of Rider defaulting to the C# Matrix4x4 instead of UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, causing issues in your Unity project? You’re not alone! This frustrating problem has been bugging developers for a while, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution right here.

What’s the Difference Between C# Matrix4x4 and UnityEngine.Matrix4x4?

Class Description
C# Matrix4x4 This is the default Matrix4x4 class provided by C#. It’s a general-purpose matrix class, not specific to Unity or any other game engine.
UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 This is the Matrix4x4 class specific to Unity, optimized for Unity’s math and physics engine. It’s essential for working with Unity’s 3D transformations, cameras, and graphics.

As you can see, the UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 is the one you want to use in your Unity project, but Rider keeps defaulting to the C# version.

Why Does Rider Pick the Wrong Matrix4x4?

Rider, being a .NET-based IDE, uses the C# compiler to analyze and provide IntelliSense for your code. When it encounters a Matrix4x4 reference, it defaults to the C# version because it’s the first one it finds in the .NET framework.

This issue is not unique to Rider; other IDEs like Visual Studio might exhibit the same behavior. The good news is that we can easily fix this with a simple trick.

The Solution: Using the UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 Explicitly

Here’s the most straightforward solution:

using UnityEngine;

public class MyClass
    private UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 myMatrix; // Use UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 explicitly

    public void MyMethod()
        myMatrix = new UnityEngine.Matrix4x4(); // Initialize with UnityEngine.Matrix4x4

By using the full namespace and class name, you’re telling Rider and the compiler to use the UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 explicitly, avoiding the default C# version.

Alternative Solution: Adding a Using Directive

If you don’t want to type the full namespace every time, you can add a using directive to your script:

using UnityEngine;
using Matrix4x4 = UnityEngine.Matrix4x4; // Create an alias for UnityEngine.Matrix4x4

public class MyClass
    private Matrix4x4 myMatrix; // Use the alias

    public void MyMethod()
        myMatrix = new Matrix4x4(); // Initialize with the alias

This way, you can use the shorter alias Matrix4x4, which will always refer to the UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 class.

Best Practices to Avoid the Issue

To avoid this problem in the first place, follow these best practices:

  • Use the UnityEngine namespace explicitly: When working with Unity-specific classes, use the full namespace to avoid ambiguity.
  • Be mindful of using directives: Be cautious when adding using directives, as they can lead to namespace conflicts. Use them judiciously and only when necessary.
  • Use a consistent coding style: Establish a consistent coding style throughout your project to avoid confusion and make maintenance easier.


In conclusion, Rider picking the default C# Matrix4x4 over UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 is a common issue, but it’s easily solvable by using the UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 explicitly or adding a using directive. By following the best practices outlined above, you can avoid this problem altogether and ensure a smoother development experience in Unity.

Remember, a clear understanding of the difference between C# Matrix4x4 and UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 is crucial when working with Unity projects. Don’t let Rider’s default behavior hold you back – take control of your code and use the right tools for the job!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you still have questions or concerns, check out these FAQs:

  1. Q: What if I accidentally use the C# Matrix4x4 in my Unity project?

    A: Don’t panic! Simply replace the C# Matrix4x4 with UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, and Rider will pick up the correct class.

  2. Q: Will using UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 affect my project’s performance?

    A: No, using UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 will not have a significant impact on your project’s performance. It’s optimized for Unity’s math and physics engine, so it’s the recommended choice.

  3. Q: Can I use the C# Matrix4x4 in my Unity project?

    A: While you can use the C# Matrix4x4 in your Unity project, it’s not recommended. The UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 is specifically designed for Unity’s 3D transformations and physics, so it’s the better choice.

Now that you’ve mastered the art of using UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 in your Unity project, go forth and create amazing 3D experiences!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to gear up your Unity game development with the correct matrix usage! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to help you navigate the Rider defaulted C# Matrix4x4 vs. UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 conundrum.

Why is Rider picking the default C# Matrix4x4 instead of UnityEngine.Matrix4x4?

Rider is designed to follow the C# language specifications, which means it will always default to the built-in .NET types, including the System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 type. However, in Unity, you usually want to use the UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 type, which is optimized for Unity’s math and physics engines.

How can I force Rider to use UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 instead of System.Numerics.Matrix4x4?

To tell Rider to use the UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 type, you can either fully qualify the type with its namespace (e.g., UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) or add a using directive at the top of your script file (e.g., using UnityEngine;). This will ensure that Rider resolves the Matrix4x4 type to the correct Unity-engine-specific implementation.

What are the implications of using System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 in my Unity project?

While System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 might seem to work initially, it can lead to performance issues, incorrect transformations, and even crashes, since it’s not optimized for Unity’s specific math and physics requirements. By using UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, you ensure that your project takes advantage of Unity’s optimized matrix operations and avoids potential issues.

Can I use both System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 and UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 in my project?

Technically, yes, you can use both types in your project, but it’s not recommended. Mixing and matching matrix types can lead to confusing code, hard-to-debug issues, and inconsistent behavior. Stick to using UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 for Unity-specific code to ensure consistency and optimal performance.

How can I check if I’m using the correct Matrix4x4 type in my Unity project?

A simple way to verify is to hover over the Matrix4x4 type in your code, and Rider will display the fully qualified type name. If it shows System.Numerics.Matrix4x4, you need to update your code to use UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 instead. You can also use the “Go to Declaration” feature in Rider to jump to the type definition and check its namespace.